What was achieved
Westwood Energy installed 98.60kW of PV on this Yorkshire poultry unit. This system was turned around, in it’s entirety, in under a week. Our team worked closely with the client to ensure a tight turnaround window was adhered to, maintaining biosecurity for the site and resulting in our scaffolding being up on the Monday and down by the Friday!
Post installation, the site was found to be suffering from network over voltage issues; Westwood worked with both the client and Northern Powergrid to ensure remedial action was taken swiftly and with a positive conclusion.
The numbers…
80MWh pa generated.
66% consumed on-site.
47% of import demand off-set.
£17,400 pa saved.
The equipment…
232no. Trina Vertex 425W Modules.
1no. 66.6K SolarEdge Inverters.
116no. P850 SolarEdge Optimisers.
1no. Sunfixings MRD S Mounting System.
1no. SolarEdge G100 Metering Solution.