What was achieved
Westwood Energy installed 144.50kW of PV on this Devon poultry unit. This system was realised after lengthy discussions and design approvals with the DNO. After being unsuccessful with applications to Western Power over several years, the client turned to Westwood Energy, who were able to secure a network connection for 85kW (maximum AC connection capacity). Using SolarEdge’s ability to both “overdrive” and “AC output limit”, we were able to to install 144kW of module capacity into a 90kW inverter that was limited to a maximum output of 85kW – a successful demonstration of the advancements that the solar industry has made over the last 12 years.
The numbers…
135MWh pa generated.
85% consumed on-site.
38% of import demand off-set.
£38,000 pa saved.
The equipment…
340no. Trina Vertex 425W Modules.
1no. 90K SolarEdge Inverters.
340no. P850 SolarEdge Optimisers.
1no. Sunfixings MRD S Mounting System.
1no. SolarEdge G100 Metering Solution.
1no. SolarEdge AC limitation Device.
Final Outcome
From the client
My team and I would like to express our gratitude and appreciation for the installation of the solar arrays on our three farms. Westwood’s input in securing a system on our home farm, in the face of resistance from Western Power Distribution, was important. All three solar arrays were installed with care and efficiency.
Jeremy Frankpitt – Satinsilk Ltd